Channel 14 calls on the army and the Shin Bet not to obey the court's or the prime minister's orders, but rather the orders of "The People." The channel did not specify who is authorized to decide what those orders are, but from the context it seems that they mean the channel staff themselves..

The call to rebellion was made today (January 27) on the afternoon news program by presenter Dana Varon and regular pundit Moshe Cohen-Eliya, professor of law at the Academic Center for Law and Business College.

The fact that a law professor calls to disobey the law could have been sensational news, if not only recently Justice Minister Yariv Levin had declared that he would not obey High Court rulings.

However, Cohen-Eliya's message is unusual in that he called for disobedience to the government, and specifically to Prime Minister Netanyahu, if they do not align themselves with the standard set for them by Channel 14 Broadcasters.

Channel 14 is an Israeli broadcast channel that regularly broadcasts fake news, incitement to violence and government propaganda, and is dedicated to Prime Minister Netanyahu's propaganda (Netanyahu's governments have granted the channel benefits worth tens of millions of shekels).

The channel's campaign against the judiciary and law enforcement is a reflection of the Netanyahu government's judicial overhaul, and a pivotal part of the general campaign by the Poison Machine, the propaganda apparatus that serves Netanyahu, against every establishment in the country.

However, today the channel also critisized Netanyahu himself, the only sacred cow on channel 14 - who in the past called to close down Sayeret Matkal and the Shin Bet, and broadcasted calls to release Yigal Amir, who assassinated Prime minister Rabin, as well as claims that the founders of the state of Israel collaborated with the Nazis.

In a conversation between Varon and Cohen-Eliya, it was emphasized that violence should be used against the Supreme Court and that there is no room for compromise or dialogue (the two did not explain between who exactly). The two added that Netanyahu also seems to be someone who would not dare to act violently against the court and therefore "Must go".

The judiciary, according to Channel 14 staff, should act according to "instructions" of "The People", and to the extent that the executive branch does not convey these instructions, it should be bypassed by the security forces who should act violently. The channel did not specify who "The People" are and who conveys their "instructions", but the meaning of the words was clear: the instructions will be broadcasted on Channel 14.

Channel 14 has become the 2nd most popular news channel in Israel since the attempted judicial overhaul started in January 2023. According to recent poles approximately 40% of the Israeli audience see it as their main source for news or a legitimate source of news. The channel shifted Israeli sentiment and views on political issues as it grew in popularity.