The Seventh Eye


The Seventh Eye is Israel's only independent and investigative magazine devoted entirely to Journalism, the Media, Freedom of Speech and Transparency. Its staff and contributing writers publish exclusive news, views, analysis and investigative reporting on these issues and others on a daily basis.

The Seventh Eye was founded and funded by The Israeli Democracy Institute, its publisher throughout the years 1996‒2015. Between 2010‒2012 it was partly funded by The College of Management ‒ Academic Studies (COMAS).

On April 1, 2015, control of the website was transferred The Seventh Eye ‒ Independent, Investigative and Free Journalism, an Israeli NGO run by The Seventh Eye staff of writers and editors. As of January 1, 2021, the magazine is operated with a license by Shakuf - for Democracy, an Israeli NGO.

In 2023, The Seventh Eye was awarded the Sokolov Prize, Israel's most prestigious journalism award. According to the award committee, "For over thirty years, the Seventh Eye has been a pivotal platform fostering rigorous, critical, and independent discussion of the Israeli media. It has facilitated discussions on its successes and shortcomings, about what is worthy of praise and about what requires profound change.

"Among the many achievements of The Seventh Eye notable mentions include the ongoing documentation of the spread of covert advertising in the Israeli press, the comprehensive coverage of Prime minister Netanyahu's Media trial and the unprecedented investigation of the corruption at Yedioth Ahronoth.

"The Seventh Eye consistently highlights the sometimes unsatisfactory manner in which the Israeli media mediates reality to the public. It unveils the covert maneuvers behind the scenes that influence the content, breadth, and framing of Israeli news coverage, enlightening media consumers."


Today, the Seventh Eye is solely funded by donations. Regarding donating related inquiries please click here (Hebrew) or contact us:

To all our US readers: You can now make a tax-deductible contribution to The Seventh Eye through NIF's new Donor-Advised portal.

The Articles

A selection of The Seventh Eye's work in English can be found here.

The Staff

Chief Editor: Shuki Tausig

Founder and Chief Editor, 1996‒2012: Uzi Benziman

Chief Editor, 2012‒2015: Hanoch Marmari

Journalists: Oren Persico and Itamar Benzaquen

Language Editor, 2008-2015: Rachel Peretz

Editorial board and constant writers: Dr. Anat Balint, Uzi Benziman, Dr. Yuval Dror, Avner Hofstein, Zipa Kempinsky, Ido Kenan, Adv. Elad Man, Shlomo Man, Prof. Rafi Mann, Hanoch Marmari, Dr. Yaki Menschenfreund, Dr. Assaf Zimring, Itay Ziv.

The Seventh Eye also publishes reports, articles and commentary by contributing writers ‒ journalists, academics and web experts. Our full list of writers can be viewed here (Hebrew).

A Brief History

The Seventh Eye was founded on January 1996 as a hard copy bimonthly journal, by senior Israeli journalists who wished to establish a transparent platform for discussing the issues of their trade. The founding editor, Uzi Benziman, accompanied by Prof. Yaron Ezrahi, formed a crew of senior writers ‒ Nahum Barnea, Carmit Guy and Rafi Mann ‒ who shared The Seventh Eye's pages with young journalists as well as contributing columnists and academics.

The Magazine quickly became the most significant arena for honest and constructive dialogue on the challenges facing the Israeli media ‒ a journal in which journalists evaluate and criticize the media's performance, raise ethical questions, and discuss issues in the Israeli media, as well as publish new facts and groundbreaking original reporting.

In 2008, after 70 print issues, this pioneer of journalistic self-criticism abandoned its printed format and was transformed into a vibrant website. Now an online magazine, The Seventh Eye exposes the inner workings of the media, offers new perspectives on media ethics, and empowers journalists to fulfill their role as watchdogs of Israel's embattled democracy. Its articles are cited frequently in Supreme Court rulings, Knesset position papers and debates, and academic research. The Seventh Eye it is often quoted by the media, websites, and blogs.

Nowadays, The Seventh Eye provides new perspectives and resources for media professionals and the public. It also publishes excerpts from professional monographs, maintains a database of media-related court rulings, includes a lexicon of communications terminology, provides an archive of its printed issues, and acts as a one-stop-shop by aggregating hand-picked links to reports, analysis and studies from Israel and around the world.

The Seventh Eye also plays a central role in training the next generation of Israeli media professionals. A valuable teaching tool in academic programs in communications, it serves as a resource for faculty and students of journalism, communications, and political science.

The Seventh Eye website receives an average of well over 300 thousand page-views per month. With more than 48 thousand Twitter followers and more than 41 thousand on Facebook, as well as over 7,000 subscribers to its weekly newsletter, The Seventh Eye reaches a mass audience of newspaper editors, Knesset members, judges, academics, and communications professionals, enriching discourse in political and civil circles and in all types of media.